
How to make a batch virus
How to make a batch virus

So a batch file is nothing but a text containing series of commands which are executed automatically line by line when the batch file is run. This means the three commands are executed in order, when we ran the batch file You will get a folder with name 'a' on your desktop and another folder with name 'b' in it. Now simply double click on this batch file and the same job will be done by the file created using notepad and by using command prompt(cmd). You can give any name in place of 'anything'.

how to make a batch virus

Type the same three commands given above in the notepad and save the file as anything.bat. We first make a folder/directory 'a', then enter in folder 'a',then make a folder 'b' in folder 'a'. md b // makes a directory 'b' in directory 'b' cd a // changes current directory to 'a'ģ. Lets start with a simple example, Open your command prompt(cmd) and change your current directory on to 'desktop' by typing 'cd desktop' without the quotes.Ģ. Instead of that, I have just focussed on making the basics of creating batch files clear and developing the approach to code your own viruses.So please just try to understand the code instead of copying it to notepad. bat and your deadly batch viruses would be ready to attack.

how to make a batch virus

I could just you give the codes to paste in notepad and ask you to save files with extension. Coming to the point, we can create malicious and irritating virus just by typing their codes and saving them as. Batch files are type of executable files with the extention ".bat". I just want to share something that i know about creating VIRUS using BATCH FILES.

How to make a batch virus